Friday, July 24, 2020

SDCC 2020 Exclusive The Nightmare Before Christmas Neon GID ReAction Figures by Super7

San Diego Comic-Con 2020 Exclusive The Nightmare Before Christmas Neon Glow in the Dark ReAction Figures by Super7

Super7’s third day of San Diego Comic-Con 2020 exclusives features a monster theme, and there’s a few releases that are really going to make Disney fans excited! Check out these psychedelic SDCC 2020 2020 Exclusive The Nightmare Before Christmas Neon and Glow in the Dark ReAction Retro Action Figures.

Jack Skellington and Sally trade in their traditional clothes for a shocking neon and glow-in-the-dark look! Turn out the lights to see Jack, Sally and Zero glow! These limited edition 3.75” ReAction figures come packaged on a die-cut tombstone cardback that is sure to brighten up any room with or without the lights on!

These San Diego Comic-Con 2020 Exclusive The Nightmare Before Christmas Neon Glow in the Dark ReAction Figures can be purchased now at for $20 each.