Thursday, July 16, 2020

JAWS Screen Print by Doaly x Vice Press x Bottleneck Gallery

JAWS Movie Poster Screen Print by Doaly x Vice Press x Bottleneck Gallery

With San Diego Comic Con, and most conventions throughout the country, being cancelled or moved to online experiences, Bottleneck Gallery wanted to take the spirit of SDCC and create a week’s worth of releases that would excite and entertain fans of the genres, mediums, and properties present at these wonderful conventions. This includes a collab between BNG and Vice Press to release this fantastic JAWS Movie Poster by Doaly!

As BNG explained, “Doaly’s newest print really bites! His ode to Roger Kastel’s iconic Jaws movie poster lovingly embraces the classic imagery while also adding some of Doaly’s design flair.”

JAWS by Doaly is a 24”x36” hand numbered screen print. The Regular Edition is limited to 150 pieces and will retail for $50, while the Variant is limited to 50 pieces and will retail for $60. Both movie posters will go on sale at 12pm ET today, Thursday, July 16th, at
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