Check out these surprise sofubi releases from Tomenosuke + Circus Posterus that dropped yesterday! The Clear Cyan Sofubi Collection features seven different characters all cast in translucent blue soft Japanese vinyl. This assortment of elegance and artistic grace includes Tara McPherson's Stella & Flux ($100), Kathie Olivas’ Calliope Jackalope ($75), Penelope ($18) and Clementine ($75), and Brandt Peters’ Heathen Snake Skelve ($75), Stingy Jack ($75) and Otto ($18). All seven Clear Cyan Sofubi figures are available now at the Circus Posterus online store.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Circus Posterus + Tomenosuke Clear Cyan Sofubi Figures by Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters & Tara McPherson

Circus Posterus + Tomenosuke Clear Cyan Sofubi Figures by Kathie Olivas, Brandt Peters & Tara McPherson
The Blot
Brandt Peters|Calliope Jackalope|Clementine|Designer Toys|Heathen Snake Skelve|Kathie Olivas|Otto|Penelope|Stella & Flux|Stingy Jack|Stranger Factory|Tara McPherson|Tomenosuke|Vinyl Figures|