In anticipation of The Handmaid’s Tale Season 2, which begins streaming on Hulu this Wednesday, April 25th, Mondo will be releasing this haunting new poster by Jessica Seamans of Landland. Based on Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel, the critically-acclaimed television series is set in a dystopian United States that tells the story of Offred (Elizabeth Moss), a woman assigned to bear children for a wealthy Commander and his barren wife. As Mondo explained, “Jessica did a phenomenal job capturing the oppression of the handmaids, while showing that there is strength in numbers.”
The Handmaid’s Tale by Jessica Seamans is an 18”x24” hand numbered screen print. Limited to just 200 pieces, this officially licensed Hulu poster will go on sale at a random time today, Tuesday, April 24th, at the Mondo online store for $45.