Friday, March 24, 2017

Marvel’s Iron Fist Portrait Enamel Pin by Tom Whalen & Mondo

Marvel’s Heroes for Hire Iron Fist and Luke Cage Portrait Enamel Pins by Tom Whalen & Mondo

To commemorate Netflix’s release of its newest Marvel television series, Iron Fist, Mondo has dropped this awesome comic book inspired Iron Fist Marvel Portrait Enamel Pin by Tom Whalen. While the show is getting panned by critics and fans alike, you can still love the iconic pairing of Luke Cage and Iron Fist as the Heroes for Hire in Marvel’s popular comic book series.

This Iron Fist 1” soft enamel pin is available now at the Mondo online store for $10 each, or as a Heroes for Hire 2 Pin Set with Whalen's previously released Luke Cage pin for just $15 – what a steal!