Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Jiangshi: Putrefaction Art Piece by Chunkee Studios

Jiangshi: Putrefaction Art Piece by Chunkee Studios

Wow, check out this insane handmade figure “Jiangshi: Putrefaction” by the Costa Rica based Chunkee Studios! As the story goes, the Jiangshi was left to rot on a dirty but magical pond by a famous vampire hunter by the name of Leung Ming. After he was captured, Leung Ming proceeded to apply a powerful seal to keep Jiangshi from coming alive. Should someone remove the seal, the Jiangshi would wake up from its deep slumber forcing Leung Ming to come out of retirement to hunt one more time...

Jiangshi: Putrefaction Art Piece by Chunkee Studios

Each Jiangshi: Putrefaction Art Piece comes packaged in its own handcrafted and weathered wooden box, with a hand numbered certificate displayed inside the lid of the box, a full size fabric talisman and a deluxe mini bag to carry the vampire-zombie wherever you go. Limited to just 28 pieces, this realistic looking art multiple goes on sale at 6pm CST on September 26th at the Chunkee Studios online store for $295.