Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Junk Fed’s C2E2 2016 Resin Figure Exclusives Unveiled!

Star Wars “Non Solo” Kitbashed Bootleg Resin Figure by Junk Fed

Junk Fed will be heading to C2E2 this weekend in Chicago and setting up shop in The Block at booth #760! Junk Fed will be bringing to C2E2 some epic new kitbashed bootleg exclusives, as well as a few long sold out favorites. First up is the Star Wars inspired “Non Solo”, a mash-up of Han Solo and Greedo. This hilarious figure is the latest in Junk Fed’s Space Madness line of resin figures previously only available at Clutter Magazine's (In)Action Figures 4 exhibition. Who shot first? Who cares!

C2E2 2016 Exclusive Star Wars Conak the Skullstroyer Bootleg Resin Figure by Junk Fed x Battle Babies x Scarecrowoven

Junk Fed’s big debut of C2E2 2016 is a collaborative effort between Battle Babies, Scarecrowoven and Junk Fed that they’re calling Woklords and Warwoks. This Ewok inspired line of resin figures launches this weekend with a brutal little guy named Conak the Skullstroyer!

Also, if you missed out on Junk Fed’s previously released Infinite Edition Andre The Giant's Posse Has a Posse Resin Figure or his Rocky Dennis collab with Alex Pardee, both figures will be in stock and available at C2E2 this weekend!