Sunday, August 2, 2015

Star Wars “Cute Return of the Jedi” T-Shirt by Super7 x Hyperactive Monkey

Star Wars “Cute Return of the Jedi” T-Shirt by Super7 & Jerome Lu of Hyperactive Monkey

Super7 and Jerome Lu (of Hyperactive Monkey) have officially completed their adorably epic collection of original trilogy Star Wars t-shirts with today’s release of “Cute Return of the Jedi”! For this release Jerome has re-imagined the third installment of the original Star Wars trilogy in his own inimitable style. Has Jabba the Hutt ever looked so cute!?! This “Cute Return of the Jedi” t-shirt even kinda has The Blot liking Ewoks again!

Star Wars “Cute Return of the Jedi” T-Shirt by Super7 & Jerome Lu of Hyperactive Monkey

The Star Wars “Cute Return of the Jedi” t-shirt by Jerome Lu will be sold exclusively at the Super7 online store (and both S7 retail locations) in sizes XS-XXL for $35.