Thursday, September 19, 2013

Barneyism of the Week - Redonkulous

What are you looking at?
The girl in the big coat?

“We were in the same yoga class together.
You know how sometimes you’ll meet a girl
and there’ll be that one bewitching little detail
that’ll make you just fall in love with her instantly?” - Ted

“You know, a little freckle on the nose, the lilt of her laugh,
the way she pronounces a certain word or phrase?” - Ted


“Well, in this girl's case, the bewitching little detail
is the fact that she has just a redonkulous body.” - Ted


“Redonkulous!” - Ted

I've only heard you use redonkulous to describe
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.

“Barney, this girl has the
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol of bodies.” - Ted


How I Met Your Mother - Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson
- Barney Stinson

“Romeward Bound”

How I Met Your Mother
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