Monday, January 7, 2013

Barneyism of the Week - Jinxed

“Oh my god, Barney!” - Ted

You un-jinxed me! I’m free!!!

If the bison on the nickel could hear you talk about them
they would diminish their population even further on purpose.

If Lily wants a big wiener in her mouth she’s got my number.

And I’m sorry that you took the wrap for all the farting on the car ride up here
that was me.

“The ring, what’s…what’s the ring?” - Ted

Right, the ring.

I’m going to ask Patrice to marry me.

“Are you serious!?!” - Ted
Are you serious!?!
(at the same time)


How I Met Your Mother - Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson
- Barney Stinson

"The Final Page, Part One"

How I Met Your Mother