Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Themed Tuttz & JellyBot Resin Figure Sets by The Jelly Empire

The Tuttz That Stole Xmas Tuttz Mini & Jelly Bot Resin Figure Set by The Jelly Empire

Christmas 2012 is almost here and The Jelly Empire has whipped up something very special holiday season! Teaming up with Argonaut Resins, The Jelly Empire is releasing two very special Christmas themed Tuttz and Jelly Bot Resin Figure Sets. First up is the Dr. Seuss inspired The Tuttz That Stole Xmas, which includes a Grinch Tuttz Mini and a reindeer Max Jelly Bot. What a fun idea executed to perfection!

Peppermint Candy Tuttz Mini & Jelly Bot Resin Figure Set by The Jelly Empire

The second release is the Peppermint Candy Set that features a red and white stripped Tuttz Mini and a peppermint hard candy looking Jelly Bot. Do these sets get you in the mood for winter or what!?! Both Tuttz Mini and Jelly Bot resin figure sets go on sale at The Jelly Empire’s online store today, Friday, December 14th, at 3pm EST for $60 per set.