Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Look: Calaverita Vinyl Figure by The Beast Brothers

First Look: Calaverita Vinyl Figure by The Beast Brothers

Last weekend at the Singapore Toy, Game and Comic Convention The Beast Brothers debuted an all new version of their popular Calaverita figure! However, instead of the standard fiberglass skull that The Beast Brothers have released over the past year, this version will be produced in soft Japanese vinyl. How freaking cool is that!?! From the photos The Beast Brothers have posted on Instagram this unpainted red vinyl Calaverita looks like an exact replica of their 6.5”fiberglass skulls.

While The Blot’s never owned a sofubi skull, I know a lot of collectors that are crazy about them. Add in The Beast Brothers’ signature esthetic and these figures will be flying off the shelf! I just can’t wait to see what kind of paint and spray they use on these. Hopefully we’ll see wide release on these soon!