Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Themed Custom Rose Vampires by Leecifer

Fall Themed Custom Rose Vampires by Leecifer

As you know The Blot is a huge Rose Vampire fan and one of my favorite customizers of the figure is Leecifer. He always knocks these little guys out of the park and I’m honored to say I’ve got a custom RV by Lee in my collection! This Monday, September 17th, the rest of the world will have an opportunity to snag a Leecifer custom Rose Vampire when Dragratomi puts 5 Halloween/Fall themed one of a kind custom Rose Vampires up for sale. All five look sick, but I’m especially fond of the Pumpkin RV on the left. Lee’s work is just nuts!

You can pick up one, or all five, of these sick customs starting this Monday, Spetember 17th at the Dragatomi online store for $125 each. Act fast though, because these bad boys are definitely going to fly off the shelf.