Wednesday, August 1, 2012

“Captain Caveman” Custom Diggler Series by D-Lux

D-Lux x Splurrt “Captain Diggler” Header Card by D-Lux

The Blot just got word that Detroit artist D-Lux is teaming up with Splurrt on a very special set of custom Digglers! Paying homage to one of his favorite cartoon characters, D-Lux has turned Splurrt's Diggler into the spitting image of Captain Caveman! “Captain Diggler”, as D-Lux is calling this particular Diggler colorway, is made of brown vinyl with flesh and red sprays. Each figure also comes with a leopard print cape, which really ties the Captain Caveman look together!

D-Lux x Splurrt “Captain Caveman” Diggler Custom Set by D-Lux

The D-Lux x Splurrt Captain Diggler vinyl figures goes on sale at D-Lux’s online store this Saturday, August 4th, at 8pm EST for $50 each. This is one release that’ll have you screaming "Captain CAAAAAVEMAAAAAAANNNN!!!!" all day long!