Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises “RISE” Character Movie Poster Set

The Dark Knight Rises “RISE” Character Movie Poster Set - Christian Bale as Batman

Now that The Avengers has come and gone, it feels like the summer is going to be all Batman all the time! Sorry Amazing Spider-Man, but that’s the pecking order…you shouldn’t have shown us the entire movie in your trailers. The first set of The Dark Knight Rises character movie posters finally hit the internet, and they look awesome! Heck, they even make Anne Hathaway's Catwoman look cool, which was no easy task.

The Dark Knight Rises “RISE” Character Movie Poster Set - Tom Hardy as Bane

Each character movie poster features one of the film’s main three characters (Christian Bale as Batman, Tom Hardy as Bane and Hathaway as Catwoman), the word “RISE” at the top, and the ominous phrase “The Legend Ends” at the bottom. This just fuels the speculation that Batman will finally meet his demise at the end of The Dark Knight Rises. The Blot doesn’t buy it though!

The Dark Knight Rises “RISE” Character Movie Poster Set - Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

The Dark Knight Rises swoops into theaters on July 20, 2012.