Thursday, March 8, 2012

John Carter Disney Vinylmation Series

John Carter Disney Vinylmation Series

Check out Disney’s awesome new John Carter Vinylmaton Series (designed by Thomas Scott) set to be released this fall in conjunction with the live action movie of the same name. The series will include four characters in all: John Carter, Princess Dejah Thoris, Tars Tarkas and a Barsoomian Great White Ape. I love how detailed each figure is, and can’t wait to see how they incorporated the extra set of arms on Tars Tarkas and the Barsoomian Great White Ape.

John Carter Disney Vinylmation Series - John Carter & Princess Dejah Thoris Vinyl Figures

John Carter actually debuts this weekend and The Blot’s pretty excited to see it! Since I’ve never read any of the books in Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom series I really only know the basics of John Carter’s story. But sometimes that’s actually a good thing as I can go into the movie blind.

The John Carter Disney Vinylmation Series will be packaged in open window boxes and sold individually starting this fall at all Disney Parks.
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