To celebrate the launch of The Avengers movie from Marvel Studio in 2012, Hot Toys is releasing the Marvel Avengers Assemble Cosbaby Series! Featuring characters from Iron Man 2, Thor and the upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger, the Avengers Assemble Cosbaby Series includes Iron Man [Mark V], Tony Stark, Thor, Loki, Captain America and the Red Skull. The Blot’s been wondering when we’d get another super hero movie series from Hot Toys, and this Avengers line up definitely doesn’t disappoint! But do we really need more Iron Man Cosbaby figures after 2 full Iron Man series?
To be honest, I half expected to see a Green Lantern movie series, but these will do just nicely instead! No word yet on when these 3” CosBaby figures will be hitting store shelves, but I would imagine it’ll happen sometime before the end of the summer. Each figure comes packed on a 4-color blister card and will retail for around $10.