I have one rule, New...Is...Always...Better.
"You can’t keep saying you have one rule if they’re always different rules." - Ted
Ah, but "New Is Always Better" is my oldest rule,
which makes it the best.
"You can’t keep saying you have one rule if they’re always different rules." - Ted
Ah, but "New Is Always Better" is my oldest rule,
which makes it the best.

This is it, the final Barneyism of the Week for How I Met Your Mother Season 6! The Blot hopes you enjoyed this season's Barney quotes as much as I did. I have to say, the quotes this season were not as strong as in years past, but I do think the show was all in all better this season than it was the year before. And that's always a good thing! I for one will gladly give up some NPH funny one-liners for better HIMYM episodes.
Some people had started to wonder if the show had run its course, but then HIMYM rebounded with some moving "adult" storylines, all while keeping the "funny". I think the 2 year renewal CBS announced will really help focus the show's future storylines and help guide us to that moment we've all been waiting for...learning who the future mother of Ted's children will be.