Wednesday, March 16, 2011

EW Cover Story “Life After LOST”

Entertainment Weekly Issue #1146 LOST Cover - March 18, 2011 - “Life After LOST”

The Blot had a really pleasant surprise waiting for him in his mailbox last weekend, the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly with a LOST cover story! Almost 1 year after the show’s series finale aired on ABC, EW interviewed the cast to examine what “Life After LOST” meant to them. While I loved the fact that EW unexpectedly released an all new LOST cover, I thought the article itself was pretty lacking (especially for a cover story). In fact, besides a few quotes most of the information in the article is old news, especially to LOST’s hardcore fandom who get all of their information from this thing I like to call “the internet.” Nevertheless, while I was disappointed in the article I’ll take a bad LOST cover story any day of the week. At the end of the day, so long as the stars of LOST are still gracing the covers of major weekly magazines it means the show is still relevant in the ever changing world of pop culture.
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