Lily, in my travels I’ve developed
a finely calibrated sense of how long it’s been since,
how do I not put this delicately,
a girl’s been porked.
And boo, you’ve been pork free so long you’re practically kosher.
“It’s been a while.” - Lily
Five weeks, three days by my estimation.
"You should work at a carnival" - Lily
I tried, they’re pretty strict with backgrounds.
a finely calibrated sense of how long it’s been since,
how do I not put this delicately,
a girl’s been porked.
And boo, you’ve been pork free so long you’re practically kosher.
“It’s been a while.” - Lily
Five weeks, three days by my estimation.
"You should work at a carnival" - Lily
I tried, they’re pretty strict with backgrounds.