Friday, November 26, 2010
Obey Giant Constructivist Banner Print by Shephard Fairey
Obey Giant is releasing another interesting propaganda style screen print this Monday entitled “Constructivist Banner.” I feel like Shephard Fairey has really been on his game lately, and a lot of that has to with a return to his classic roots. Then again, you probably have to be a fan of text in your prints to fully appreciate “Constructivist Banner.”
“Constructivist Banner” is an 18”x24″ signed and numbered screen print. It comes in two colors schemes, cream & red and black & red, each with a limited edition run size of 350 prints. The prints will retail for $45 and go on sale at the Obey Giant online store this Monday, November 29th, at a random time.

Obey Giant Constructivist Banner Print by Shephard Fairey
The Blot
Art|OBEY Giant|Prints|Shepard Fairey|