While these figures look great, what really got The Blot excited was the mock-up drawings of other potential characters seen in the background! Along with a generic professor/scientist and an unknown superhero, Mattel had designs posted for Batman, Red Tornado, He-Man and Skeletor AttiTUBES vinyl figures. How cool is that?
While He-Man and Skeletor would obviously be included in any line of MOTU AttiTUBES, I assumed any plans for a DC Comics line were scrapped once Warner Bros. announced its licensing deal with Mezco Toyz. To me, these AttiTUBES figures are way too similar to Mezco’s line of Mez-Itz vinyl figures to release DC Universe figures in both platforms. Then again, maybe AttiTUBES will be marketed towards young children, while the Mez-Itz line is going after adult collectors.
Click here to see photos of the AttiTUBES vinyl figures Mattel had on display at San Diego Comic-Con 2009.