Friday, July 2, 2010

Birdman 40° Custom Celsius Vinyl Figure by Chauskoskis

Birdman 40° Custom Celsius Vinyl Figure by Chauskoskis
On July 10th, the Toy Art Gallery in Los Angeles will be hosting, in conjunction with Kuso Vinyl, the Ganmetall Celsius Custom Show featuring custom Celsius vinyl figures from over 50 of the hottest artists in the industry. The Blot’s probably seen 2/3 of the custom Celsius figures made for the show and I have to say, every single one of them is amazing. This is by far one of the most impressive custom shows I’ve ever seen!

The Ganmetall Celsius Custom Show at the Toy Art Gallery
While I can’t spotlight every hand crafted Celsius debuting next week at the T.A.G., I would be remise if I didn’t point out Chauskoskis’ (a.k.a. Walter Jacott) entry, the Birdman 40° Celsius custom figure. The Blot’s a huge Hanna-Barbera fan and I love those old Birdman and the Galaxy Trio cartoons from the ‘60s, as well as [adult swim]’s send-up of the character in Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

Birdman 40° Custom Celsius Vinyl Figure by Chauskoskis
Chauskoskis did an incredible job sculpting Birdman’s head and his trusted sidekick, the blue eagle Avenger. Walter even came up with a backstory for the character as to why he’s sick (hence the thermometer in his mouth and why the custom is entitled Birdman 40°). You can read the backstory to Chauskoskis’ custom Birdman 40° Celsius and more pictures of the figure here.