The Justice League of America presents Starro the Conqueror Set includes all five JLA members featured on the cover (Martian Manhunter, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern & Aquaman) as highly articulated action figures in the same scale as the DC Universe Infinite Heroes toy line, and a giant, bendy Starro the Conqueror. What’s even cooler is the packaging for this set features lights and sounds with the voice of Kevin Conroy, TV's animated Batman, describing the characters and events seen on the cover. This set will go on sale after San Diego Comic-Con at MattyCollector.com for $50.

As an added bonus for those of you attending SDCC 2010, Mattel will be including a poly bag of four Starro Spores as a free gift with the purchase of the Justice League of America presents Starro the Conqueror Set (while supplies last). What’s weird about these Comic-Con exclusive Starro Spores is that they are compatible with Mattel’s line of 6" DC Universe Classics action figures and not the 3 3/4" DC Universe Infinite Heroes action figures included in the Starro Set. Anyone else think it is bizarre Mattel didn't make the Spores fit the figures they come with!?!