This Doctor Who box set is the perfect gift for any fan of any generation. The Doctor Who Eleven Doctors Action Figure TARDIS Box Set features all 11 incarnations of the Doctor presented in an impressive TARDIS display box, which includes a small bio of each Doctor. This comprehensive box set includes the Doctors portrayed by William Hartnell (1963–1966), Patrick Troughton (1966–1969), Jon Pertwee (1970–1974), Tom Baker (1974–1981), Peter Davison (1981–1984), Colin Baker (1984–1986), Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989, 1996), Paul McGann (1996), Christopher Eccleston (2005), David Tennant (2005–2010), and Matt Smith (2010-Present).
The Doctor Who Eleven Doctors Action Figure TARDIS Box Set will not ship until August 2010, but you can pre-order the set here for $99.99.