When The Blot first heard Sony Pictures was making a live action
Smurfs movie my first instinct was to cringe. This couldn’t possibly be a good idea, right? A CGI
The Smurfs movie could be ok, but when you turn it into a live action/CGI animated film I start to worry. One thing the movie’s producers did right was cast Hank Azaria as the villain Gargamel. At first I didn’t understand the casting decision, but just look at the photo below! Azaria has been perfectly transformed into one of the most dastardly villains of my childhood.

While I’m still not sold on this film, Azaria does look the part. You can check out more photos of Hank Azaria as Gargamel
here. I just hope my favorite three apples tall little blue Smurfs translate well to the silver screen. I’d hate to have the Smurfs ruined for a new generation.
The Smurfs will be in 3D and is scheduled to premiere in theaters next summer (August 3, 2011).