Surprisingly, “The Last Recruit” left me with more questions than any episode all season. Is Jack FLocke’s last recruit, and if so, what is FLocke’s real mission? One crazy theory I've read and have to mention is the belief that Jack died on the beach after Widmore’s people started pelting the island with bombs. I don’t buy for a second the producers would actually kill off Jack at this late stage of the series, but it does make FLocke’s words to Jack (You’re with me now) seem more poignant, especially when you consider Sayid only joined Team FLocke after dying himself.

Speaking of Sayid, has he finally proven one can come back from the dark side after sparing Desmond’s life? If so, what does this mean for Crazy Claire? Then again, does anyone believe there won’t be another showdown between Claire and Kate at some point in the near future? As the series draws to its conclusion, I’m starting to see/understand FLocke’s point of view more and more. Widmore is obviously not the altruistic “good guy” he pretends to be, and I am even starting to see the downside to Jacob’s actions. So what does this all mean and how is EVERYTHING going to tie together!?! Again, I have no clue. At this piont I'm really just hoping Sawyer didn’t just lead all of his friends into the worst trap of the show.

Well this is it, tonight marks the true beginning of the end of Lost and I still have some questions that NEED to be answered! For instance, how and why did Libby end up giving the sail boat to Desmond? Are we going to see Rose and Bernard again? And please tell me we have more Daniel Faraday in Lost’s final 5 hours. But seriously, of all the Lost loose ends still hanging out there the one that has to be addressed for fear of Losties everywhere revolting has to be what’s the deal with Walt and his magical powers, right? Here's hoping some of these answers come tonight! Namaste