Johnny Cupcakes Suitcase Tour is about to officially start, and The Blot is excited to share a preview of the six limited edition tour exclusive t-shirts that will be available when JC visits your town! Accompanying these 6 tour t-shirts will be a skinny tie, 2 hats, a poster, a handful of pins and a keychain. All are limited edition tour exclusives, which means you can only get them on this tour directly from John and his suitcases.

Small batches of products are being set aside for each location, and best of all, the Johnny Cupcakes Suitcase Tour will be accepting credit & debit cards! All tour t-shirts will have the tour logo on the back and are sure to be highly sought after by Johnny Cupcakes collectors. Mark your calendars! You can find a full listing of the Johnny Cupcakes Suitcase Tour tour stops