This week’s Lost Episode Review is even later than normal, but what can you do!?! Life’s been a little hectic around here lately and my Lost Episode Reviews seem to suffer the most. While I originally didn’t care much for Jin and Sun centric episodes, their last two have been pretty entertaining. I really enjoyed the Flash Sideways storyline in “The Package,” but to be honest, could have done without Sun’s on island storyline.

All but one of last week’s biggest shockers came from the Flash Sideways, where we learned that not only are Sun and Jin not married, but they’re dating behind Sun’s father’s back AND Sun’s pregnant! I had a feeling the money Jin was bringing to Keamy was payment for Keamy killing Jin, but I had no idea why. We now know that Sun’s father doesn’t take kindly to his employees sleeping with his daughter, but that seemed like a lot of effort just to have Jin whacked. I guess this was also a convenient way to disown Sun without his peers finding out back home in Japan.

I don’t have much to say about Sun’s on island storyline or the scenes involving Team Jacob. It seems like their scenes were more filler as other storylines got more of the show’s attention this week. Not much happened and I could care less that Sun currently can’t speak English. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this storyline on another show once before. What really got me excited about this episode was the official start of the war between Team FLocke and Team Widmore. But did anyone else think “did they preempt tonight’s episode of Lost with the movie Predator?” when the night vision goggle scene started?
Once I realized what was going on, all I could think about was how Charles Widmore turned his geeky science squad into deadly night hunters? Not only were they able to sneak up on FLocke’s camp, but they took everyone there down in about 3 seconds flat. I at least expected more out of Crazy Claire who had been living alone on the island for the past three years, constantly being hunted by the Others. I never would have guessed Widmore’s first move would be going after Jin, but after it’s explained that he needs Jin to help locate a specific location on the island everything started to make a lot more sense.

I really enjoy when little details from previous seasons pop back on the show and end up being pretty important nuggets of information. Who knew all that time Jin spent looking for Sun back in 1977 would become such an important part of Season 6! I have to commend the writers of Lost on their ability to tie little throwaway details back into the show’s overarching storylines.
And then for Widmore’s secret package to be a locked-up Desmond had me jumping out of my seat in excitement! I guess when Eloise Hawking told Desmond the island wasn’t done with him yet she really meant it. I actually feel bad for Desmond. Not only has he been ripped apart from Penny once again, but he probably expects Sayid to actually help save him. If there’s one thing I can be sure of, it’s that if and when Sayid and FLocke get their hands on Desmond he’ll be in more trouble than if he had stayed with the worst Father-in-law ever. I assume this means Widmore was behind Desmond’s coming to the island in the first place, which begs the question…just how long has Charles Widmore been planning all this?

It seems like Widmore might be the only character on Lost who actually knows what’s going on. He seems to understand the smoke monster and why he must stay on the island, as well as what can be gained by harnessing the island’s magnetic powers. Hopefully more revelations are just around the corner. My only question is does Widmore know about the Flash Sideways, and how does it all tie together?
Hopefully we’ll find out more tonight…if not, at least we can all look forward to Jin’s reaction to seeing Desmond for the first time in years. Hopefully Jin won’t be as willing to use Desmond as a means to reunite with Sun as Widmore is at using Desmond to return to the island.