Even though Kidrobot’s new mini figure series
Tic Toc Apocalypse by
Amanda Visell isn’t scheduled to go on sale until April 1st, it
sounds like cases of the toys are already popping up in select locations. While this is a tad puzzling, it also means we get an early look at the series’ ratios! The Blot’s also learned (from the picture below) that there are two different colorways of Visell’s Pegaphunt and Poopicorn figures. The only bad news in all of this is that the Bat Fighter Gnome figure’s ratio is 1/54, I guess it won’t be as ease to pull as I had once hoped.

Amanda Visell’s new blind boxed mini figure series retails for $9.95 each and can be found at Kidrobot stores,
kidrobot.com and select retailers on April 1.