While I enjoyed last week’s episode of
Lost, after watching it a second time I’m starting to understand everyone’s frustration with the Season 6. I loved the cameos by Charlie’s brother Liam and Rebecca Mader’s Charlotte and thought this week’s Flash Sidways was brilliant, but the so-called answers we’re receiving have been kind of a letdown.

When FLocke explained to Kate how and why Claire was crazy I almost threw something at my TV. After two years the only answer we get is that Smokey needed Claire to help him in his war against the Others, so he tricked her into hating them!?! I expect so much more from
Lost and its writers, and this seemed like a weak copout to me. I really, really hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.

As for those loony scenes between Kate and Claire, they really freaked me out! Emilie de Raven is doing a fantastic job playing crazy, and I can’t wait to see her go nuts on Kate again (we all know it’s going to happen right?). What really terrified me was the look on Sayid’s face as Claire tried to kill Kate. He’s totally out of it and doesn’t seem to care about anyone or anything anymore. Naveen Andrews has always been able to convey a wide range of emotions with just a turn of his head and a piercing look, and in “Recon” he delivered once again. I don’t know what’s going on with Sayid, but I fear for anyone that gets in his way.

After talking about “Recon” with some fellow
Lost fans, I was surprised to learn that not everyone is as interested in this upcoming war over the island as I am. In some respects I agree with them that too much of the show has centered around the island’s new found mythology, and not enough time on the show’s characters. Truth be told,
Lost has never been just about the island, but it definitely became a huge part of the show these past two seasons, really ever since the characters first began time jumping.

I for one have really enjoyed watching the Losties pick sides for the impending battle over the island, but throwing in a third team, Team Widmore, this late in the game may have been unwise. We don’t know anything about these new characters from Widmore’s sub, and it’s hard to want to give them a chance knowing all of the terrible things Charles has done over the years. Regardless, the rest of this season is definitely going to be focusing on the upcoming battle between FLocke’s team of crazies and the combined forces of Team Widmore and Team Jacob, so we’d better get used it (and ready for some action).
I know I mentioned it earlier, but how awesome was this week’s Sawyer-centric Flash Sideways!?! Learning that Sawyer and Miles ended up as partners on the police force was just too damn cool. If ABC had half a brain, they’d already be developing an hour long police dramedy spin-off staring Sawyer and Miles. That’s the show they should be making instead of a Hawaii 5-O remake!

I enjoyed learning Charlotte works with Miles’ father at the museum in the Flash Sideways, and that she’s still an adventure seeking archeologist. But what really made this week’s Flash Sideways stand out was the twist that Sawyer had become a cop instead of a con-man. Thankfully, he’s still searching for the real Sawyer, a.k.a. Anthony Cooper, and now that Miles is in on the hunt, I’ve got a feeling this storyline is going to get really interesting really fast. Thankfully, with only ten or eleven more hours of
Lost left, we won’t have to wait that much longer for a resolution to Sawyer’s quest for vengeance.
No big theories this week, but tomorrow night’s episode is going to be HUGE!!! From my understanding, it’s a Richard-centric episode and features an old school Flash Back instead of a Flash Sideways. The episode is entitled "Ab Aeterno,” which is Latin for “since the beginning of time” or, more figuratively, “since a very long time ago.” (
link) I can’t wait!