Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Barneyism of the Week - The Super Bowl a.k.a. The Magic Phone

Does anyone know who won the Super Bowl?

“You were there it was the…” - Marshall

I won!

Because, I am now in possession
of a magic phone that always rings.

And do you know who’s always, usually, on the other end?

A chick.

So how many chicks do I have calling me now?


“Wait, you’re, you’re actually going to hook up
with these girls that call you?” - Ted

Oh, indubitably!

I’m meeting the first one here any minute.
Keep your eyes peeled for a red sweater.

Based on her texts she’s dirty, dyslexic and wants to 96 me.
Semicolon end parenthesis!

How I Met Your Mother - Neil Patrick Harris as Barney Stinson
- Barney Stinson

“Rabbit or Duck”

How I Met Your Mother
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