We’re now just two days away from the release of Kidrobot’s new 3 inch series
Dunny Fatale, and news about the blind box series keeps leaking out. The latest update is that there is a second colorway for
Catalina Estrada’s Dunny. The Catalina Estrada Chase Variant Dunny has the same design but it’s base color is now black instead of blue. Catalina also designed the beautiful artwork for the packaging of the Dunny Fatale Series.

There’s been no word yet on how rare this colorway will be, but the OG colorway’s ratio was only 1/25. Could this be a more rare 2nd colorway like S2009’s Gray Gloomy or a more common 2nd colorway like the French Series’ Tizieu Dunny? I guess only time will tell!
Dunny Fatale Blind Boxes go on sale this Thursday, January 28th and will retail for $7.96 per box.