16 blank 8” resin Lost Taweret statues (also known as the mysterious “Four Toed Statue”) were created by hand in an original mold and given to some of The Blot’s favorite artists to customize in their own unique styles. These awesome Lost resin figures debuted at last Tuesday night’s Lost Underground Art Project at Gallery 1988, and the results were amazing! I’ve included a few of my favorite hand painted Taweret statues below, but you can see all sixteen figures here.

Artists involved in Damon, Carlton and a Polar Bear’s Lost Custom Taweret Resin Statue Project include: Dave Pressler, Scribe, Lunabee, Brent Nolasco, Leah Palmer Preiss, Pocketwookie, Motorbot, Reactor88, kaNO, Jason Limon, Jeremiah Ketner, Nathan Spoor, Nemo, Jon Burgerman, 64 Colors, and Jesse Hernandez.

These one of a kind 8 inch Lost resin Taweret statues sell for between $700-$450, and can be purchased directly from Gallery1988 by contacting them at 323-937-7088.