(click on the photo above for a more detailed look)
Personally, I think the Blackest Night figures are some of the best DC Comics figures every produced (by DC Direct or Mattel), especially the Black Lantern figures. Not only do we finally get some killer zombiefied versions of our favorite DC Comics heroes, but they are really detailed! Just look at Nekron’s chest, Black Lantern Firestorm’s head and Black Lantern Hawkman’s wings.
DC Direct’s Blackest Night Series 1 includes Alpha Lantern Boodikka, Black Lantern Earth-2 Superman, Blue Lantern Saint Walker and Red Lantern Atrocitus. Blackest Night Series 2 includes Black Lantern Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern John Stewart, Indigo and Sinestro Corps member Kryb. Blackest Night Series 3 includes Black Lantern Aquaman, Green Lantern Arisia, Orange Lantern Larfleeze with the slain and slavish Glomulus and Star Sapphire. Blackest Night Series 4 includes Black Lantern Wonder Woman, Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, Black Lantern Firestorm and Black Hand with Bruce Wayne’s skull.