While Zach Braff’s J.D. will still appear in a handful of episodes, the show will now be narrated by Kerry Bishe’s Lucy Bennett, a new medical student at Winston University, which is a pretty significant change if I do say so myself. I am relieved to hear Sarah Chalke’s Dr. Elliot Reid, Sam Lloyd’s Ted Buckland and Robert Maschino’s The Todd will be appearing sporadically throughout Scrubs’ ninth season, but I’m worried the show won’t have the same rhythm and feel it once did, especially with Scrubs creator and show runner Bill Lawrence focusing much of his attention on his new ABC comedy, Cougar Town.

I will say, even with all my reservations I am still elated to have Scrubs returning for another season. While I’d prefer to watch the Janitor roaming the halls of Sacred Heart, I’ll take Scrubs 2.0 any day over the alternative (i.e. a Scrubs-less world). Joining Scrubs as series regulars this season is previously recurring cast member Eliza Coupe (former intern turned student advisor Denise Mahoney aka Jo), and newcomers Michael Mosley and Dave Franco as new medical students.

Scrubs Season 9 premieres on ABC tomorrow night, Tuesday, December 1st, at 8/9c.