Many a man, neigh many a soul
has their own tale of the Sexless Innkeeper.
Why I had a run in with one just last year.
I even composed a poem about it, would you care to hear it?
T’was the night before New Years and the weather grew mean.
It was 3 in the morning, and I was stranded in Queens.
The tavern grew empty, the gas lights grew dim.
The horse drawn carriages were all but snowed in.
Last call was approaching and my fortunes looked bleak,
then I turned to my left and stifled a shriek.
She had a peach fuzz beard and weighted 16 stone.
She gobbled up hotwings and swallowed the bones.
I muffled a scream, and threw up in my mouth.
I asked, “where do you live” and she said, “one block south.”
I swallowed my pride, and six shots of whisky;
And prayed to the gods that she wasn’t too frisky.
Back in her cave, she prepared us a snack.
Neath her mighty hoofs the floorboards did crack.
But when she returned she found a sound sleeper.
And thus she became the Sexless Innkeeper.

While HIMYM’s 100th episode is not scheduled to air until January, The Blot can’t wait that long to talk about it. Evidently there are some big plans in place for the show's landmark 100th episode. At this point, there are two key things we know about the episode and if both hold true it might turn out to be the best episode of How I Met Your Mother ever.
First of all,’s Michael Ausiello is reporting that “Rachel Bilson has landed a pivotal – some would say legendary – role in How I Met Your Mother’s 100th episode.” (link) Last month HIMYM Exec Producer Craig Thomas told Ausiello that the milestone episode would feature “some serious mother action,” adding, “it’ll be the closest Ted’s ever come to [discovering who she is]. He’s getting a step closer every episode this season, and episode 100 [we] kind of go bananas with it.” (link)
But that’s not all! Ausiello is also reporting that the milestone episode will climax with what exec producer Craig Thomas calls a “big-ass musical” number headlined by the show’s resident song-and-dance man, Neil Patrick Harris. (link) “There will be a huge Barney story culminating in an enormous musical number that we’re going to spend way too much of Twentieth Television’s money on,” Thomas says with a laugh. “Fans of Neil’s performance at the Emmys will enjoy the ending of the episode. It’s not a musical episode, but all of a sudden it becomes one. It’ll probably be one of the craziest things we’ve ever done on the show.” (link)