Hey, what’s wrong?
“It was just one thing after another at work today.
And then, I found out my aunt’s in the hospital
and I’m just, I’m feeling so overwhelmed…” - Robin
Shh, shh, shh.
What you need to do is talk through this stuff.
“Aw, thanks.” - Robin
And then, once you’re off the phone with Lily
I’ll be down at the bar waiting to have sex, ok?

- Barney Stinson
"Robin 101"
How I Met Your Mother
And in case you were wondering, yes you can follow Barney Stinson on Twitter! The good folks at How I Met Your Mother have set up an official Barney Twitter account and it's Bro-tastic. The Blot just started following him and now you can too! Here’s the official announcement: “The Barnacle understands that his peeps needs his tweets. So follow along with my twitter account. Here’s the link: www.Twitter.com/Broslife” While you're at it, you can also follow The Blot on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/TheBlotSays.