While The Blot has been drooling over the
previously announced Where The Wild Things Are 100% Kubricks for months now, the new
WTWTA 400% Max Kubrick blows away all other
Where The Wild Things Are figures. Just look at this nearly 8 inch tall figure, I dare you tell me it’s not amazing. Not only do you get a 400% Kubrick, but you get one in a legit wolf costume that looks to be removable. The fact that
Medicom Toy went so far as to make a real wolf costume out of fabric with a tail and whiskers for this figure is unbelievable!

Where The Wild Things Are Max 400% Kubrick also includes the crown and cane seen above and comes in window box packaging. The figure is not scheduled to arrive in stores until sometime in December 2009, but it can be preordered now directly from Entertainment Earth for $149.99
Where The Wild Things Are, the live action movie adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s classic children’s book directed by Spike Jonze, debuts in theaters on October 16, 2009.