Although I originally assumed this dark, slightly comedic drama about a notorious outlaw motorcycle club, the Sons of Anarchy, was the heir apparent to FX’s The Shield, I now think I was a little off. In retrospect, I think Sons of Anarchy actually more closely resemble another hugely popular show cable television show about crime families, HBO’s The Sopranos.

Like The Sopranos, SOA focuses on the two families (and life) of Jax Teller, whose loyalty to the club is tested by his growing apprehension for its lawlessness. But, unlike Tony Sopranos’ two families, the line between Jax’s blood family and motorcycle club is constantly blurring…and in most instances, his actual family and SAMCRO (The Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original) are one in the same.

Every hour of Sons of Anarchy is action packed, and if you enjoyed watching shows like The Shield or The Sopranos then I highly recommend tuning in tonight for SOA’s Season 2 premiere. The show is pretty straightforward, and I don’t think missing Season 1 will hinder your enjoyment or understanding of the season to come. Plus, Season 2 now stars Adam Arkin and Henry Rollins as white separatists looking to wrestling control of Charming, CA from Jax and SAMCRO. While the casting of Arkin as a white separatist may seem a bit strange, from what I’ve read people who have seen the show’s first few episodes say Arkin is really killer in the role. I have a feeling, based on the rumored storylines of Season 2, that the action will be coming early and often in Sons of Anarchy this year.
Sons of Anarchy stars Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal and Ron Perlman, and airs every Tuesday night at 10/9c on FX.