Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Threadless - LightSaver Star Wars Themed T-Shirt

For a while there I thought Threadless had lost its edge. For months there wasn’t a single shirt I liked, but recently the company has produced some killer designs, including this week’s Star Wars themed release LightSaver. Now you too can own an eco-friendly lightsaver which replaces the Jedi’s traditional lightsaber blade with a compact fluorescent blade. What a great idea!

LightSaver T-Shirt by Matthijs Smit

Threadless - LightSaver Star Wars Themed T-Shirt
Best off all, ThreadlessLightSaver blade glows in the dark! This is the next must get shirt for all of the Star Wars fans out there around the world. The LightSaver design comes printed on asphalt colored American Apparel tees in both girls and guys styles, and can be purchased here. If you think you might want this shirt in XXL or 3XL act fast, because they are both close to selling out.