What is the Law of Law? Well I’m glad you asked. The Law of Law states quite clearly that any film starring Jude Law must be and will be a flop. I used to think Jude Law could act, and in the latter part of the 20th century you might have made a strong argument that the guy could act. But since the turn of the century that notion no longer holds true. For some reason every movie he touches self-implodes. Yes, some get made and others do “respectable” at the box office, but IMHO films starring Jude Law just never quite reach their potential.

It honestly baffles me that any producer and/or director would even put Jude Law in their movies anymore. Seriously, when was the last time the guy made anything good!?! It’s the kiss of death just casting him in your film. And so, even with the greatness that is the teaming of Ritchie, Downey, Jr., and Rachel McAdams, I fear Sherlock Holmes is doomed at the box office. I hope that’s not the case, in fact I want to like Sherlock Holmes. But even The Blot is not powerful enough to fight off the Law of Law.

If you don’t believe me, just take a look at these new one sheet Sherlock Holmes character movie posters. Yes they’re nice to look at, but do they really bring anything to the table? If you think about it, they’re kind of like Jude Law in that way…the Law of Law strikes again!

Sherlock Holmes premieres in theaters on Christmas Day (December 25, 2009).