Honestly, even though we had the coins, neither of us had any idea what to expect once we got there. This nondescript building gave no indication as to what was inside. As it turns out, Flynn’s Arcade was amazing! It was a complete recreation of an 80’s style arcade, including all the classics like Pac-Man, Centipede, Gauntlet, Donkey King, Tron and even an air hockey machine! The games were free, but as it turns out that wasn’t what we were really there to see.
After being lead through a dark hallway adorned with design drawings and sketches of a new light cycle for Tron Legacy, we stumbled upon the event’s piece de resistance, the actual redesigned light cycle for Tr2n. The motorcycle was amazing, and the pictures below really don’t do it justice. Yes, unfortunately translucent blue is no longer the primary color of the Tron light cycle, but I think they did a good job updating it for a new generation. The light cycle looks more futuristic and realistic now, but still harkens back to the original video game/move with its translucent blue highlights.
Best of all, Tron Legacy will be released in Disney 3D! TR2N stars Michael Sheen, Olivia Wilde (who The Blot and Aly got to meet at SDCC) and Jeff Bridges, who reprises his role as Kevin Flynn from the original movie. Tron 2 will hit theaters sometime in 2010.