Friday, August 7, 2009

Psych Season 4 Premieres Tonight on USA

For the past three years Psych has been one of The Blot’s summer TV guilty pleasures ever since it debuted on July 7, 2006. While I can admit the show’s humor might not be for everyone, those of us that do like the witty banter of James Roday’s Shawn Spencer and Dule Hill’s Burton “Gus” Guster absolutely love the show. What’s really great about Psych is that every episode is a standalone story, so new viewers don’t have to worry about starting to watch a show now starting its fourth season.

Psych Season 4 Television Poster
Psych, like most of the USA Network’s original programming, can’t be tied down to just one genre. It’s an hour long “mystery of the week” detective/comedy that features some of the best quirky characters on TV. Everyone from Shawn and Gus to Detective Lassiter to even Shawn’s dad Henry (played by the legendary Corbin Bernsen) bring a unique character viewpoint to strangely satisfying yet exhilarating ensemble comedy.

Psych Season 4 Premieres Friday August 7 at 10/9c on USA
Ok, I know what you’re thinking…enough with the superlatives already! While The Blot may be trying a little too hard, it’s because I truly want you to watch tonight’s season premiere of Psych, especially if you’ve never watched the show before. Trust me, you’ll enjoy it! Besides, what do you have better to do on a Friday night than watch TV?

The Psych Season 4 premier airs tonight, Friday August 7, on the USA Network at 10/9c. Then tune in every Friday night after that for another new episode featuring America’s favorite fake psychic (and no I’m not referring to that hack on CBS’ The Mentalist).