Also on display was a very raw Veil: Specimen 129 resin prototype that is currently in development. It had something very funky looking in the middle of it (like a piece of coral), but what I really liked about the head is that it had a magnet at the bottom of it. As Jermaine explained it, the plan is to have a magnet placed at the top of the figure’s neck as well, so that the two pieces can latch together magnetically. It will give the resin figure some articulation, so that you will be able to rotate the figure's head while still having it attached to its resin body. How cool is that!?!
Also on display was a pair of Jermaine Rogers x Vans sneakers. They looked pretty sick, so I had to take a pick. Not sure of the drop date on these kicks, but check out your local Vans store to reserve a pair!