Now it’s 2009, and while the math doesn’t exactly work out right, Marvel is celebrating its 70th Anniversary this year. To celebrate this historic milestone Marvel is bringing back its Anniversary covers! (link) According to Marvel.com, “this August all ongoing Marvel Comics series will have a 70th Anniversary Variant featuring a frame by superstar artist Jim Cheung. These 70th Anniversary Frame Variants will also feature an iconic shot of a Marvel character from that title by another of Marvel's talented superstar artists.” (link)

While I am a little disappointed these new 70th Anniversary frame covers are only variant covers, it is cool Marvel is honoring its past by bringing back these frame/border covers from 1986. Who doesn’t love a little retro cool mixed in with their monthly books? The only difference this time around seems to be that each cover will feature the character’s entire body instead of just a head shot.

If you’re interested in checking out all 21 of Marvel’s 70th Anniversary frame variant covers click here.