The rest of this blog post will be quasi-spoilerish, so if you haven't read Green Lantern #43 and/or want to go into Blackest Night not knowing anything about the Black Lanterns, stop reading now!

One of the main reasons I’m so excited for Blackest Night is that the mini-series promises to bring back some previously deceased characters to the DC Universe. Unfortunately, unlike most rebirths in comics these characters are staying dead. It looks like the zombie craze, which DC Comics had managed to elude until now, is finally rearing hitting the DCU.

And we’re not just talking second and third stringers here either. Heroes like the Martian Manhunter, Earth-2 Superman, Aquaman and even the original Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond will be returning to the DC Universe this summer in zombie form. From the few teaser pictures DC has released, it sounds like every major DC character that is currently dead will soon be drafted into Black Hand’s Black Lanterns. I'm really looking forward to seeing how these characters returning from the grave will affect the rest of the DC Universe.

The Official Blackest Night Preview: Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis raise the dead in the most anticipated comics story of the year! Throughout the decades, death has plagued the DC Universe and taken the lives of heroes and villains alike. But to what end? As the War of Light rages on, the prophecy of the Blackest Night descends upon us, with Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps at the center of it all.Don't miss this 8-issue epic taking the DCU beyond the grave! (link)

DC Comics’ Blackest Night #1 is 48 pages long and goes on sale today, Wednesday, July 15th for $3.99.