Then I watched the first episode of True Blood and I didn’t know what to think. The story was interesting and I liked the show’s unique take on vampires, but the cast’s acting was choppy at best. Plus, I couldn’t stand the accents of the show’s cast. Seriously, their fake Cajun accents were enough to make me stop watching True Blood altogether.

I decided to stick with it for a few more episodes, and then something interesting happened…True Blood got really, really good. I’m not sure how many episodes it took for the show to click, but once it did True Blood became my new guilty pleasure. It has everything a viewer could want in an HBO series, a compelling murder mystery intertwined with vampires, drugs and sex.

But it’s not as risqué as you might think. True Blood is heavily character driven with each character having their own demons to deal with on a daily basis and hopefully overcome. What’s really amazing is how in just one season True Blood has been able to build such a complex and interesting world, and yet is still accessible for new viewers who want to start watching now. So, if you have HBO but have never seen True Blood make sure you tune in this Sunday for the show’s Season 2 premiere. And if you like what you see you can always go out and purchase the True Blood Season 1 DVD box set that is in stores now.

True Blood airs Sunday nights on HBO at 9/8c.