The JLU Green Lantern Origins 3 pack features test pilot Hal Jordan in his trademark Ferris Aircraft flight suit, his predecessor Green Lantern Abin Sur and his mentor/arch enemy Sinestro. As hard as it is to believe, this is the first ever Hal Jordan Justice League Unlimited figure, and for the life of me I can’t figure out why it took Mattel so long to release one. I know in the animated world of JLU the primary Green Lantern is John Stewart, but come on!

What’s even worse is that after all this time Mattel’s first Hal Jordan toy is literally a Hal Jordan figure and not a Green Lantern figure. I guess the old saying really is true, beggars can’t be choosers! I assume Mattel is releasing this Origins set to coincide with the release of the Green Lantern animated origin movie First Flight, which explains why we’re getting a test pilot Hal Jordan figure. Here’s hoping Warner Bros. finally gets its act together enough so that the long gestating Green Lantern live action movie can finally get out of developmental hell.

What’s cool/creepy about the JLU Green Lantern Origins 3 pack is that all of the heads in this pack are swappable. This lets you play out Hal’s transformation from Test Pilot to Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814, so I guess in a way we really are getting a Hal Jordan Green Lantern JLU figure. This “feature” is a first for Mattel’s JLU toy line, making me more than a little worried that we’re going to end up with three headless figures because their heads don’t fit snugly on their bodies.
No price or run size on the SDCC 09 exclusive JLU Green Lantern Origins three figure set has been announced yet. While this is a San Diego Comic Con exclusive, any unsold sets will be made available after the Con at MattyCollector.com.