The JLU Legion of Super Heroes 4 pack includes its three founding members, Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Lad, as well as Braniac 5. The Blot was more than a little annoyed to find out the Legion of Super Heroes cartoon was canceled after just two seasons, but the show can now live on in this new LSH 4 pack.

I love Mattel’s JLU toy line because of its willingness to produce animated versions of DC characters mainstream America may not be familiar with. Some might complain that the JLU line just reuses the same two or three body styles for every character and they don’t all stand up that well, but I try to look past those flaws due to the fact that Mattel has decided (for now) to stick with this toy line even though the Justice League Unlimited cartoon is no longer on the air.

Each 4 pack retails exclusively on MattyCollector.com for $30 each with a maximum order quantity of 10. What’s interesting about this latest exclusive is that all four LSH figures come individually carded but shipped together in one slip case. This is the first time you can get MattyCollector.com exclusive JLU figures packaged this way. The MattyCollector.com Exclusive JLU Legion of Super Heroes 4 Pack can be purchased here now.